Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Close Call

Taken from "Experiences in the Life of Karl Lorenzo Probst"

"I had a male chorus of about thirty voices. We were on our way to sing in Salt Lake in the Tabernacle for April General Conference. We were to be there by 10:00 a.m. We left Midway early because the road was very broken up and it had snowed the night before. As we went over the Summit in Parley's Canyon toward Salt Lake, on the old road, we were going about fifteen miles per hour, and the car started to pick up speed. As we neared a turn in the road, I applied the brakes and the car started to slip around, and I had no control of it. Out on the end of the bend in the road there was an abandoned car, and I thought rather than go off the gravel and roll down 300 or 400 ft., I would guide the car to this old parked car, which I did, and hit the side of the car and the impact threw our car around so that it went right into the the gravel pit and buried the radiator into the clay and stopped. Riding in the car with me were my daughter, Beatrice, who was going to play the piano, and Roy Huffaker, one of the tenor singers. By the time we got out, other members of the chorus were coming to the car, and they stopped and helped us get our car out of the mud, and we went on our way. We arrived in Salt Lake in time to sing for Conference. This was one of the closest calls I ever had in my life. The Lord was on our side that time."

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